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(1) 燃烧科学与技术,层流火焰与反应动力学,湍流燃烧机理;

(2) 计算流体力学,燃烧数值模拟与数值诊断;

(3) 极限燃烧条件下的着火、熄火与燃烧不稳定机理,湍流/化学反应相互作用机理;

(4) 工业节能与环保新技术研究,包括:高温固体散料余热回收技术,露点蒸发冷却技术,燃烧污染物排放机理等;




[1]      国家自然科学基金面上项目,61万元,2022-2025年,主持人;

[2]      国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,23万元,2018-2020年,主持人;

[3]      重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,10万元,2019-2022年,主持人;

[4]      中国博士后科学基金项目,8万元,2016-2018年,主持人;

[5]      重庆市博士后科研项目特别资助,10万元,2016-2018年,主持人;

[6]      重庆大学科研启动经费,15万元,2015-2020年,主持人;

[7]      中央高校基本科研业务费项目,5万元,2016-2017年,主持人;

[8]      中央高校基本科研业务费项目,15万元,2020-2021年,主持人;

[9]      科技部国家重点研发计划(子课题),100万元,2016-2020年,主研人;

[10]   华能集团清洁能源技术研究院横向课题,8.5万元,2021年,主持人。

[1]      Yi Zhang, Yinhu Kang (*), Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang. Numerical study on oscillatory propagation dynamics and physics near the limits of planar freely propagating premixed flames. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 083602.

[2]      Pengyuan Zhang, Yinhu Kang(*), Yi Zhang, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang. Flammability dynamics and oscillation-induced extinction mechanism of dimethyl ether spherical diffusion flame in microgravity. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2020, 24(6): 1130–1152.

[3]      Congcong Liu, Yi Zhang, Deyang Xiong, Xiaomei Huang, Pengyuan Zhang, Yinhu Kang(*), Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang. Flammability and Propagation Dynamics of Planar Freely Propagating Dimethyl Ether Premixed Flame. ACS Omega, 2020, 5(19): 10965–10976.

[4]      Yinhu Kang(*), Qiang Wang, Pengyuan Zhang(*), et al. Study on flame structure and extinction mechanism of dimethyl ether spherical diffusion flames. Energy, 2020, 193: 116786.

[5]      Zejun Wu(*), Yinhu Kang(*), Xiaomin He. Numerical study on the morphology of a re-ignited laminar partially premixed flame with a co-axial pilot flame. Journal of Thermal Science (2020).

[6]      Pengyuan Zhang, Yinhu Kang(*), Zejun Wu(*), et al. Effect of dimethyl ether addition on soot formation dynamics of ethylene opposed-flow diffusion flames. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58: 8370−8386.

[7]      Pengyuan Zhang, Yinhu Kang, Xiaomei Huang(*), Shini Peng. Study on effect of hydrogen addition on extinction dynamics of dimethyl ether spherical diffusion flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45: 11350−11367.

[8]      亢银虎(*), 张弋, 张朋远, 卢啸风. 湍流热伴流条件下二甲醚射流推举火焰的冷焰特性与稳定机理. 中国电机工程学报, 2020, 40(7): 2306−2317.

[9]      亢银虎(*), 张弋, 张朋远, 卢啸风. 二甲醚球形扩散火焰的振荡熄火动力学机理研究. 化工学报, 2020, 71(4): 1469−1481. (封面文章及重点推荐文章)

[10]   亢银虎(*), 张朋远, 刘葱葱, 马江泽, 卢啸风. 基于化学爆炸模式分析方法的乙烯对冲扩散火焰熄火机理. 化工学报, 2019, 70(4): 1644−1651.

[11]   Jie Chen, Yinhu Kang (⁎), Yunpeng Zou, et al. A numerical study on near-limit extinction dynamics of dimethyl ether spherical diffusion flame. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 185: 79–90.

[12]   Jin Yan, Xiaofeng Lu(*), Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, et al. Study on the influence of secondary air on the distributions of flue gas composition at the lower part of a 600 MW supercritical CFB boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 196: 106035.

[13]   Yinhu Kang (*), Yuming Sun, Xiaofeng Lu, et al. Soot formation characteristics of ethylene premixed burner-stabilized stagnation flame with dimethyl ether addition. Energy, 2018, 150: 709–721.

[14]   Yinhu Kang (*), Shuang Wei, Pengyuan Zhang, Xiaofeng Lu, et al. Detailed multi-dimensional study on NOx formation and destruction mechanisms in dimethyl ether/air diffusion flame under the moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution (MILD) condition. Energy, 2017, 119: 1195–1211.

[15]   Yinhu Kang (*), Wei Shuang, Xingchi Jiang, et al. Study on effect of dimethyl ether addition on combustion characteristics of turbulent methane/air jet diffusion flame. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 159: 421–435.

[16]   Jin Yan, Xiaofeng Lu(*), Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, et al. Experimental and numerical study on air flow uniformity in the isobaric windbox of a 600MW supercritical CFB boiler. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 122: 311–321.

[17]   Yinhu Kang (*), Tianfeng Lu (*), Xiaofeng Lu, et al. Study on combustion characteristics of dimethyl ether under the moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution condition. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 108: 549–565.

[18]   Yinhu Kang (*), Tianfeng Lu (*), Xiaofeng Lu, et al. On predicting the length, width, and volume of the jet diffusion flame. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 94: 799–812.

[19]   Yinhu Kang (*), Quanhai Wang (*), Xiaofeng Lu, et al. Experimental and numerical study on NOx and CO emission characteristics of dimethyl ether/air jet diffusion flame. Applied Energy, 2015, 149: 204−224.

[20]   Yinhu Kang (*), Quanhai Wang (*), Xiaofeng Lu, et al. Experimental and theoretical study on radiative heat transfer characteristics of dimethyl ether jet diffusion flame. Fuel, 2015, 158: 684–696.

[21]   Yinhu Kang (*), Xiaofeng Lu (*), Quanhai Wang, et al. Effect of H2 addition on combustion characteristics of dimethyl ether jet diffusion flame. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 89: 735−748. (ESI高被引论文)

[22]   Yinhu Kang (*), Quanhai Wang (*), Xiaofeng Lu, et al. Experimental and theoretical study on the flow, mixing, and combustion characteristics of dimethyl ether, methane, and LPG jet diffusion flames. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 129: 98−112. (进入工程领域前3%)

[23]   Hu Wang(*), Xiaofeng Lu(*), Wenqing Zhang, Quanhai Wang, Jianbin Chen, Yinhu Kang, et al. Study on heat transfer characteristics of the high temperature reheater tube panel in a 300 MW CFB boiler with fluidized bed heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 81: 262−270.

[24]   Yinhu Kang (*), Xiaofeng Lu (*), Quanhai Wang, et al. An experimental and modeling study of NOx and CO emission behaviors of dimethyl ether (DME) in a boiler furnace. Fuel Processing Technology, 2014, 122: 129−140.

[25]   Yinhu Kang (*), Xiaofeng Lu (*), Quanhai Wang, et al. Experimental and modeling study on the flame structure and reaction zone size of dimethyl ether/air premixed flame in an industrial boiler furnace. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27: 7054−7066.

[26]   Xuanyu Ji (*), Xiaofeng Lu (*), Yinhu Kang, et al. Design optimization of the bell type blast cap employed in small scale industrial circulating fluidized bed boilers. Advanced Powder Technology, 2014, 25: 281−291.

[27]   Honghao He, Xiaofeng Lu(*), Wei Shuang, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, et al. Statistical and frequency analysis of the pressure fluctuation in a fluidized bed of non-spherical particles. Particuology, 2014, 16: 178−186.


[1]      Yinhu Kang(*), Xiaofeng Lu. A modeling study on near-extinction dynamics of DME spherical diffusion flame. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka, Japan: 2019.7.

[2]      亢银虎(*), 张弋, 张朋远, Tianfeng Lu, 卢啸风. 湍流热伴流条件下二甲醚射流推举火焰的冷焰特性与稳定机理. 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学年会, 天津: 2019.10.
