本科:2009.09—2013.07 哈尔滨工业大学 热能与动力工程
硕士:2013.09—2015.07 哈尔滨工业大学 动力工程
博士:2015.09—2018.06 哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理
➢ 辐射传热及耦合换热,传热反问题研究;
➢ 生物组织医学成像,肿瘤诊断及热疗;
➢ 换热腔体优化设计,电子设备热分析、热控制;
➢ 激光的辐射传输及应用,激光无损检测;
➢ 红外目标探测与识别,红外热成像计算。
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Qi Hong, Zhao Fang-Zhou, Ruan Li-Ming, Li Bing-Xi. Inverse geometry design of two-dimensional complex radiative enclosures using krill herd optimization algorithm, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 98: 1104-1115. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Qi Hong, Ren Ya-Tao, Yu Xiao-Ying, Ruan Li-Ming. Improved social spider optimization algorithms for solving inverse radiation and coupled radiation-conduction heat transfer problems, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 87: 132-146. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Qi Hong, Sun Jian-Ping, Ren Ya-Tao, Ruan Li-Ming. Estimation of thermophysical properties of phase change material by the hybrid SSO algorithms, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017, 120: 121-135. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Qi Hong, Zhang Wen-Wen, Ren Ya-Tao, Ruan Li-Ming. Combined lock-in thermography and SQP algorithm for non-intrusive reconstruction of optical and thermal properties in semitransparent medium, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 132: 446-456. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Qi Hong, An Xiang-Yang, Ren Ya-Tao, Ruan Li-Ming. Non-destructive testing of ceramic materials by using mid-infrared ultrashort pulse laser, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 2018, 124: 55. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Qi Hong, Wang Shen-Ling, Ren Ya-Tao, Ruan Li-Ming. A multi-stage optimization technique for simultaneous reconstruction of infrared optical and thermophysical parameters in semitransparent media, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018, 92: 219-233. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Qi Hong, Yu Xiao-Ying, Ren Ya-Tao, Ruan Li-Ming. Inverse identification of temperature-dependent thermal properties using improved krill herd algorithm, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2018, 39: 121. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng. Geometric optimization of radiative enclosures using sequential quadratic programming algorithm. ES Energy & Environment, 2019, 6: 57-68.
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Wang Guang-Jun, Chen Hong, Zhang Da-Qian. An inverse method for the reconstruction of thermal boundary conditions of semitransparent medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 574-585. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Wang Guang-Jun, Chen Hong. Application of improved decentralized fuzzy inference methods for estimating the thermal boundary condition of participating medium. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 149: 106216. SCI、EI收录
➢ Sun Shuang-Cheng, Wang Guang-Jun, Chen Hong. Application of decentralized fuzzy inference method for the inverse geometry design of radiative enclosures. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2020, 107: 103287. SCI、EI收录
➢ Zhang Biao, Qi Hong, Sun Shuang-Cheng, Ruan Li-Ming, Tan He-Ping. Solving inverse problems of radiative heat transfer and phase change in semitransparent medium by using improved quantum particle swarm optimization, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 85: 300-310. SCI、EI收录
➢ Qi Hong, Qiao Yao-Bin, Sun Shuang-Cheng, Yao Yu-Chen, Ruan Li-Ming. Image reconstruction of two-dimensional highly scattering inhomogeneous medium using MAP-based estimation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Article ID 412315. SCI、EI收录
➢ Zhang Biao, Qi Hong, Sun Shuang-Cheng, Ruan Li-Ming, Tan He-Ping. A novel hybrid ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization algorithm for inverse problems of coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer, Thermal Science, 2016, 20: 461-472. SCI、EI收录
➢ Zhang Biao, Qi Hong, Ren Ya-Tao, Sun Shuang-Cheng, Ruan Li-Ming. Application of homogenous continuous Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to inverse problem of one-dimensional coupled radiation and conduction heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 66(4): 507-516. SCI、EI收录
➢ Zhang Biao, Qi Hong, Ren Ya-Tao, Sun Shuang-Cheng, Ruan Li-Ming. Inverse transient radiation analysis in one-dimensional participating slab using improved ant colony optimization algorithms, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2014, 133: 351-363. SCI、EI收录
➢ 孙双成,齐宏,孙建平,阮世庭,吕中原,阮立明.铝基微结构光栅几何参数反演研究,北京航空航天大学学报,2017,43(11):2219-2206. EI收录
➢ 齐宏,孙双成,张彪,及运达,阮立明.基于频域辐射传输模型的光学成像研究,工程热物理学报,2014,35(4):752-756. EI收录
➢ Qi Hong, Sun Shuang-Cheng, He Zhen-Zong, Ruan Shi-Ting, Ruan Li-Ming, Tan He-Ping. Inverse geometry design of radiative enclosures using particle swarm optimization algorithms, Optimization Algorithms, ISBN 978-953-51-4687-2, InTech Publishers. 英文专著